Part-147 | ALL4JETS – We are all for you, not only for jets

Maintenance training

ALL4JETS Maintenance Training Organisation (MTO) is approved by the Polish Civil Aviation Authority for compliance with the requirements of EASA Part-147 – aircraft type training.

Under the current approval, we provide training (theoretical and practical) for the following types of aircraft:

Training Calendar

The indicated training dates will be implemented provided that a group of at least 8 people is formed.

The learning courses are delivered stationary in a classroom or remotely, depending on the preferences of individuals and groups. Online sessions are provided in the form of Distance Learning Synchronous (DLS), i.e. are based on live interaction between students and an instructor, with the support of IT software system.

In the case of individual applications, an initial fee is charged, which guarantees the reservation of a place in a training and is included in the full price of the course. The price of a given course is included in its description. If the minimum number of training participants is not met, the initial fee is refunded in full. 

Distance learning courses are run online and their participants are individuals or people enrolled for the courses by organizations, who log into the IT software system using their own devices from any place around the globe. Students can also be gathered in the same classroom and use one computer and a projector by example.

As part of remote courses, participants, after purchasing access to the course, log in to the IT system on their own devices from anywhere in the world. Students can also gather in one room and use one computer and, for example, a projector. 

Apart from online DLS courses, we also offer online distance examination under our Part-147 approval. It means, that exams may be taken outside our headquarters, on-site in a place indicated by a client, under the supervision of ALL4JETS authorized representative. However, such a solution is only possible in the case of exams organized for a group provided by one organization/client. 

Training is started after a group of at least 8 students has gathered. 

Classes normally start at 8.00 a.m. European time and last 6 hours. It is also possible to set other hours, according to the group’s preferences, after reporting such need.

Practical training is organized for a group of 8 people, similarly to theoretical training. The training date depends on the availability of the aircraft. The practice is usually organized at the request of an organization that has access to the aircraft. If ALL4JETS is able to guarantee the aircraft, practical training can take place in Warsaw, Katowice or elsewhere in Europe. The price of practical part per personl is calculated basing on the price of access to the plane and the number of students in a group. Practical classes usually start in the afternoon and last 6 hours.


We also provide initial and refresher training courses for aircraft mechanics, technicians, other maintenance and CAMO personnel – in the current offer we have the following training available:

These training courses are available in the refresher (recurrent) version:

Selected courses are available through our Internet platform (see e-learning tab).

On customer request, we develop dedicated training courses (also on e-learning platform), complying with the requirements and needs of the particular organisation.

Other training

issued in accordance with Part-CC, pursuant to the Polish CAA Decision ULC-LOL-5/0773-0126/07/15

Initial and Recurrent Training

Initial and Recurrent Training

The newly adopted provisions for dangerous goods training incorporate a competency-based training and assessment (CBTA) approach and become mandatory for dangerous goods training as of January 1, 2023. The objective of competency-based training and assessment (CBTA) is to use the necessary tools to clearly establish the training needs for a specific job position and then ensure that employees acquire the level of knowledge and demonstrate the right skills to perform that position.

Three courses available for DGR Instructors using competency-based training and assessment (CBTA):

  • Competency-Based Training for Dangerous Goods Instructional Designer
  • Competency-Based Training for Dangerous Goods Instructor
  • Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) – Instructor Refresher
Any organization which introduced a Safety Management System (SMS) conducts activities aimed at improving its operational efficiency and safety. The organization aims to ensure the proper functioning of SMS while maintaining and even reducing the overall operating costs. At the same time, other systems used in the organization, e.g. on compliance with applicable regulations, health and safety at work, quality, security, fatigue management, are usually the subjects of separate studies, although they are based on a similar decision-making mechanism. Therefore, combining the similarities and common needs of different systems leads to more efficient and effective management at the highest level through development of an Integrated Management System (IMS). The integration of the above-mentioned systems results in the reduction of operating costs, reduction of tasks duplication and in more effective use of the working time of the management staff. Read more…
The course is intended for all those working in aviation who are responsible for managing the risk of fatigue. The course begins with an introduction to the science of fatigue and alertness management, and then describes PART-ORO’s requirements for FRM, how aviation operators manage fatigue risk, and how to develop a FRM system. Read more…
The course provides information on how successfully perform a risk assessment of identified hazards and avoid common mistakes. It also shows how to integrate safety incidents into risk assessment and how to perform risk assessments as part of change management procedures to ensure effective implementation of changes. Practical exercises take place after each theoretical session. Read more…
Development and implementation of an effective Safety Management System is one of the challenges for modern aviation organizations. Participants of the course will learn about the tools and methodology that will enable the effective implementation of a safety management system in an aviation organization, in accordance with the regulations of ICAO Annex 19, ICAO Document No. 9859 and the requirements of the EASA management system. Reade more…
The course meets the requirements of the initial training in the field of the Safety Management System in the CAMO environment, in accordance with the recommendations of EASA included in the Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) to Annex V c (Part-CAMO) to the Regulation of the European Commission (EU) No. 1321/2014, GM 2 CAMO.A. 305. Read more…

Our training programs are consistent with international aviation regulations (PART-FCL, PART-CC, PART-ORA) and the EASA requirements.

The scope of the courses may be standard or tailored to Customer’s needs. Following our Customers’ expectations, theoretical parts of most training courses are also offered as distance or on-line learning. 

ALL4JETS co-operates with a large group of well-known and experienced aviation professionals, such as TR/ SF instructors, safety and evacuation procedures instructors, CRM instructors who are also active pilots, flight attendants, engineers, aviation security specialists as well as with other personnel of widely understood aviation specialization.

Classes may be conducted in Polish, English and Russian.  

We offer our assistance in the process of national pilot’s license conversion to ATPL(A) license in accordance with ICAO standards and PART-FCL regulations. Any questions can be sent to: 

ALL4JETS has been registered in the Registry of Training Organizations held by the Voivodship Labor Office in Warsaw under No. 2.14/00048/2016 The training courses placed in the Registry can be financed from public resources. The useful information can be found at: 

Technical courses
Countries in which we performed classroom courses
E-learning courses
Countries where our clients come from
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